Being Vulnerable on Medium

Simple Joy With Ann
3 min readJul 3, 2024


Connecting with readers through shared struggles

Photo by Author

To my dear followers,

For the entire first year on Medium, I had a total of 9 followers.

I initially came here with the intention of sharing tips on parenting and home organizing, two areas I’m passionate about. I wanted to help others with my knowledge, but after months of discouragingly low reach, I stopped writing.

Over the next year, I found success sharing tips on Instagram and through workshops. However, there was always a nagging feeling that I wasn’t being authentic.

I portrayed someone who had it together, yet I recognized that I wasn’t completely myself to those I was reaching out to. I saw the challenges my audience was facing, but I wasn’t connecting with them in a way that explained how important it was for me to help others break the cycle of punitive or coercive approach to parenting, especially as its’ related to dealing with clutter in the homes.

I had a strong desire to connect all facets of my life that shaped me into who I am — acknowledging the source of my pain that turned into my passion to support struggling families.

At first, I was afraid to seem like a complainer or make it look like I was playing the victim, saying, “Poor me, look at my sad childhood.” But it felt necessary to confront myself in such a raw way. I needed to free myself from being held back by my childhood trauma, showing the range of emotions, scabs, and all.

So it began, opening myself up for all to see.

One of my first attempts to reveal my true self was to admit how I yelled at my children and threatened them with abandonment or negative consequences until they were willing to comply. The story of How I Stopped Being a Yell-y Mom took me back to a dark time, but proud and grateful how much my relationship has changed with my children.

I laid bare my insecurities throughout every stage of my life and feeling like an imposter in The Imposter Syndrome That Never Ends — facing insecurities head on somehow allowed me to become more brave.

In My Kids’ Mess Is Making Me Feel Like A Bad Parent, I opened up how I learned to let go of mom guilt, and reconnecting with my children amidst the chaos.

I deconstructed how my mom’s recollection of my childhood continues to hurt as she doesn’t seem to realize the pain she caused in My Mom’s Version of My Childhood Is a Lie.

The most response I’ve received was for I Grew Up Being Told to Stop Crying. The number of people who can relate to my experience was astounding. It breaks my heart a little to see how common that is in all cultures and ages, and that many families are still not healed from that cycle.

With each story, my scar fade a little, the memory seems more distant. At the same time, they are more a part of who I am than ever. Except this time around, they strengthen me, showing me how resilient I am to keep reflecting and growing.

While my original motivation was for Simple Joy with Ann to be an extension of my home organizing and parenting coach business, I realize that the more in touch I am with my personal journey, the more I can have a positive impact on those I cross paths with in whatever capacity.

I believe the people who are meant to hear my messages will find them. And all I have to do is continue to be my authentic self with pure intentions to help myself and others along the way.

If you’ve been following me, I see your claps, I appreciate your comments. I am grateful to be on this journey with you.



Simple Joy With Ann

Founder of the Dooley Method that combines positive parenting and KonMari home organizing to strengthen family connection through tidying.